الاثنين، 20 يونيو 2016

How dating back to version iOS 9.3.2

Apple launched on Monday, the first test version of iOS 10 which allows anyone who has an account for developers to enjoy the new benefits, and although the iOS 10 may be the most important renovation we've seen in years, but the beta versions are not always stable, and the first test version will always be full of problems so you might want to return to iOS 9.

We would like to let you know that the process of transition from iOS 10 to iOS 9.3.2 possible and very easy, Regardless of whether you have installed iOS 10 are irregular or fraudulent manner that it can return to the previous version without losing any of your data, where the video explained the station iCrackUriDevice how they do it in a safe and easy.

But it's bad is that you'll need a computer was the iTunes service is installed to make the transition to the previous version, and you must also select the appropriate version of iOS 9.3.2 on your computer before being transferred to your smartphone.

And then you can go to iTunes and connect your phone and then click on Check for Updates, or check for updates with a click on the Option button on the Mac or Shift button on Windows, and you should then be able to choose the appropriate version of the file iOS 9.3.2 IPSW and that's what you should do to move to iOS 9.3.2.

It is expected to launch a public version of iOS 10 in the month of July, which is supposed to be stable without problems.

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